User-Friendly AED Produced by Mindray
The public, they are different from professional healthcare workers who have a thorough grasp of AED hospital device use, so public AED devices should ideally be smart and user-friendly enough.
Professional Public AED Proudly Manufactured by Mindray
In terms of appearance, most people think of hospital manual defibrillators as two hand paddles connected by wires to a much larger monitor. They are typically used in acute hospital settings and are oversized. A public AED, on the other hand, is a portable device the size of an average lady’s handbag and is very light in weight. A complete portable AED kit includes an AED machine and batteries. In use, the Public AED is powered by batteries and does not require outlet power; therefore, it is the perfect solution for out-of-hospital SCA.
Level-Division Setting
As with Mindray AED devices, paired with the patented technology, the technology provides different feedback mechanisms based on the user’s proficiency level.
For newcomers, Mindray AEDs will provide more detailed voice guidance and picture explanations.
For skilled users, Mindray AED will increase the speed and simplify the details of the voice guidance accordingly.
In addition, through CPR feedback mechanisms, Mindray AEDs can continuously encourage responders to perform CPR for a more productive and life-saving outcome.
It is becoming increasingly evident that public AEDs are moving toward greater simplicity, portability, and intelligence compared to hospital defibrillators.
Given the effectiveness of portable public AEDs in saving lives and improving survival rates in out-of-hospital SCA, workplaces, communities, or local areas should be equipped with AED devices. Visit Mindray‘s website for more details on AED devices.